Leongatha Podiatry
More than just feet!
Leongatha Podiatry was created by Jackson Land to give the people of South Gippsland expert treatment of foot and leg pathologies in a new and improved clinical setting.
Leongatha Podiatry provides a full range of services from general skin and nail care to complex Sports Podiatry based treatments.
About me
Jackson Land B.HLTH.Sc. (Managing Director and Head Podiatrist)
Jackson has over 5 years experience as a podiatrist, servicing Warragul, Leongatha and surrounding areas.Â
Jackson gradated Charles Sturt University in 2016 and is passionate about foot care, lower limb bio-mechanics and sports podiatry.Â
Jackson takes pride in providing expert lower limb care in an empathetic and compassionate way.
Jackson's family have a beef cattle farm in South Gippsland, and on the weekends he enjoys, surfing, mountain bike riding, playing tennis, and snow skiing.